GUARDIAN ® Gravimetric Batch Blender

PROCESS CONTROL develops and supplies discontinuous gravimetric mixers of the GUARDIAN ® series in various sizes and designs. These batch blenders are used by several thousand devices worldwide and are frequently used as standard equipment by many OEM customers. GUARDIAN ® is characterized by highest achievable accuracy and unsurpassed reproducibility of dosing results and end product homogeneity. In the mixing chamber with a highly efficient 3D mixing blade, an incomparable mixing quality of the starting materials is achieved and made available to the processing process. The devices allow significant savings in the use of expensive additives while ensuring extremely constant production processes and end products.
– Printable specifications (german)
GUARDIAN ® Gravimetric Batch Blender movable

The advantage of this new GUARDIAN® batch blender is the high throughput by the well-known Process Control accuracy despite of the compact construction.
Based on the small size, the low weight and the special loadcell technology this blender can also be used as a mobile device on a movable frame. This blender can be used in big plants with multiple production halls highly flexible on different production lines.
The material hoppers of the batch blender can get refilled manually, or optional with a fully automated conveying system also integrated on the movable frame.
The additional integrated pick-up box below the blender can provide ready mixture to various devices simultaneous.
GUARDIAN ® Batch Blender for Powder

With this brand-new powder batch dosing system, up to 6 different powders can be dosed and mixed and that with the precision accustomed by Process Control. The dust-proof WXOmega has a sophisticated, compact design.
All powder feeders of the batch blender are equipped with integrated, special dosing screws and bridge breakers.
The new designed conical weight-hopper with integrated gate and the special load cell technology is responsible for the highest accuracy of the amount of each single powder, while the 3D powder agitator in our new developed dustproof mixing chamber creates the perfect homogenization of the blend.
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